Celebrations and conversations with GoodLife’s Diversity Committee

Celebrations and conversations with GoodLife’s Diversity Committee

In August of 2020, to create an open dialogue about diversity within GoodLife, we established a Diversity Committee composed of residents, employees, leadership, partners, and board members. The purpose of this committee is (1) to provide information and opportunities to increase awareness about the barriers of injustice that continue to diminish the rights of those who have been marginalized, and… read more

Built on equality, celebrating individuality: GoodLife’s Diversity Committee

diversity committee

Goodlife’s history is a story of passion, equality, and connectedness. For more than 40 years, we have fought to push through barriers of injustice that diminish the rights of those who have been marginalized, specifically individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD). From our inception, diversity has been represented within our organization by gender, race, age, religious preference, sexual orientation,… read more

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