Staff Profile: Meet Kaden Nix

Staff Profile: Meet Kaden Nix

GoodLife’s dedicated staff are the backbone of our organization so we love highlighting their stories and sharing their passions. This month we were excited to connect with Kaden, a valuable member of our Douglas County team and one of three Tommy Johnson Distinguished Service Award Winners this year at GoodLife. How long have you been with GoodLife? I have worked… read more

A Home Coaches’ Perspective: Meet Kris and Brittany

home coach

GoodLife believes a life of dignity and independence is possible, no matter the challenge. We empower our residents with the support, services, and technology needed to thrive within the community. Home Coaches play an important role in our work to redefine what’s possible for people with disabilities. Today we are joined by Kris McFadden and Brittany Rupert, Home Coaches who… read more

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