Forging Intentional Partnerships

As a care provider, it’s important that those you serve receive the highest level of care while maximizing your resources. GoodLife offers a cooperative opportunity for us to share talent, resources, and support services designed to leverage costs and improve an organization’s capacity to better support their mission and preserve independence (both of persons served and agencies providing support). We’ve seen that strategic alliances, networks, and co-ops will outlast stand-alone competitors every time. In order to ensure success (and sustainability) in the coming years, we must develop strategies to align ourselves in a close-knit network. CLO’s legacy and GoodLife’s future depend on working together and we look forward to partnering with you.

Reasons to join the GoodLife Co-Op

Back by research

Employ Research-Backed Strategies

Leverages resources

Leverage Resources

Saves money

Save Money

Strategic and efficient

Find Efficiencies

Knowledge rich

Share Knowledge

Agency-wide benefit

Enjoy Agency-wide Benefits


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The Surprising Power of Human Connection for Adults with Disabilities: Matt’s Heartwarming Story

Recent News
Image collage of GoodLife members & staff

Welcome to the GoodLife!

Great news! After 44 years serving individuals with disabilities, CLO has expanded its mission under a new parent company called GoodLife Innovations, Inc. New name, new website, same belief: a purposeful life of choice, dignity, and independence is possible for those with diverse abilities. Come along as we continue to make a meaningful difference.

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