Call your Kansas Representative: Bill to Recognize DSPs in Congress

Recognizing the role of direct support professionals Act

Recently, the Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act was reintroduced in the U.S. Congress. This Bipartisan bill, sponsored by Brian K. Fitzpatrick [R-PA-1], would require the Office of Management and Budget to establish a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) for direct support professionals (DSPs).

What does this mean for our DSPs?

  • This would allow the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to more accurately capture employment and wage data specific to the profession
  • Would help state and federal agencies in making more informed policy decisions around HCBS services, including aiding in the development of more precise payment rates

Our partners at ANCOR have a brief explainer article here. Want to support this bill? ANCOR has provided an easy form to fill out to contact your Kansas Representative, found here.

You can read more about this bill on the website.

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