Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We wanted to provide an update on the steps GoodLife is taking to be proactive in addressing the forecasted spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Our top priority is the health and safety of our individuals served and employees.
While we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus at GoodLife, we are working hard to prevent exposure agency-wide. During this time of increased awareness about infectious diseases, we are placing additional emphasis on keeping our homes, programs, and offices sanitized and limiting individuals’ exposure to others. As you know, we serve a number of persons who have medically fragile conditions, so our measures for containment need to be pre-emptive to be maximally effective.
The coronavirus presents unusual challenges for containment due to its lengthy incubation period, however, it is critical to ensure our staffing resources remain highly protected so we can continue to provide quality care in our homes and programs during this uncertain time.
Here is our plan.
GoodLife Residential Services will remain open. GoodLife’s Day Services will be operating at limited capacity. We are taking additional precautions and implementing social distancing strategies to prevent exposure in each home and at each service site. For clients, parents, and guardians, more information on these strategies will be provided directly and we appreciate your willingness to work with us to prevent the spread of this virus.
GoodLife’s Health Services will provide care across the agency through iLink. We at GoodLife are blessed with a strong remote support infrastructure provided by our iLink Remote Support Technologies. Our health clinic located at GoodLife’s Applied Technology Center will connect our nursing department (which includes physicians, physician assistants, RNs, and LPNs) to our homes virtually to remotely support staff and persons served.
GoodLife Administrative Offices will remain open for only essential operations. Visitors and vendors will not be able to access any of our service areas and we ask that all visits be deemed important. Most of our administrative staff will continue to move our mission forward by producing high output from home.
GoodLife will continue to hire and train staff as this is integral to our care and mission. Job applicants for GoodLife positions will be able to enter the lobby at the Lenexa or Lawrence locations and interview with HR privately. Staff will be assigned to support specific homes or neighborhoods as we try to eliminate the possibility of cross-site contamination and exposure. GoodLife’s preemptive social distancing approach and small homes/work locations provides a safe working environment for persons served and staff.
GoodLife leadership has been actively working on a smooth implementation of this plan since COVID-19 became a public health concern and we remain extremely grateful for the direct support staff, parents, guardians, and advocates of GoodLife that join us in keeping safety our number one priority.
We will continue to monitor reports and recommendations by the CDC, KDHE, and the Kansas Governor Laura Kelly and will adapt our response as this event unfolds.
Best Regards,
Mike Strouse