The Quest for the Good Life: Episode 1

GoodLife knows that providers need a better way to affordably, effectively, and safely deliver care at the exact moment and place of need – and we also believe that care should be delivered by people who are known and trusted. Our mission is inspired by meeting this need, but to do so providers must chart a new course within the behavioral/health care space.

This journey has audacious new goals and milestones, but nothing validates the need more than lessons we have already learned from COVID-19.

To see where we are going, we must look at where we’ve been.
In the first episode of the Quest for the GoodLife our CEO, Dr. Mike Strouse discusses the complexities of existing care models and examines them in light of the Center for Disease Control (CDC’s) recommendations. The current care system and our nation-wide infrastructure by its very design can’t follow the primary and the simplest advice of CDC: please don’t congregate. In fact, aren’t assisted living, nursing homes, group homes, and clinics all congregate-care facilities?

We should have known already: congregate care (as illustrated by its very name and design) is not what people want. And in the wake of COVID-19, now we can clearly see that trust in congregate care is dwindling. We need a new paradigm of care and GoodLife has a long history of developing, improving, and disseminating best-practice service models that are redefining what’s possible.

To see where we are going, we must also look at where we are.
The model for building a new paradigm of care exists around us. Take Amazon and Netflix for example: they both found new ways to deliver what their customers traditionally wanted. While technology was at the heart of these pioneering efforts, most successful paradigm shifts are not achieved by simply adding technology to old models. Instead, new service approaches need to be designed from the ground up to make the most of what technology (at that moment) has to offer.

GoodLife works hard to make the most of cutting edge technology as we design our care models, and ensure it’s accessible, simple, and easy to use for those we serve. We can’t wait to share more about our approaches with you. Stay tuned for additional episodes of the Quest for the GoodLife with Dr. Mike Strouse and learn more about GoodLife’s New Paradigm of Care, visit our website.

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