GoodLife partners with ANCOR to empower community providers

GoodLife partners with ANCOR to empower community providers

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller GoodLife and ANCOR (the American Network of Community Options and Resources) both strive to powerfully impact the lives of individuals with disabilities by redefining what’s possible for independence. Together, we can leverage technology and humanity with innovative approaches, empowering stronger and more inclusive communities. ANCOR … read more

What we learned from COVID-19: Inclusion, creativity, and innovation


COVID-19 has made GoodLife’s iLink technology and labor strategies even more relevant to our residents, staff, and partners. As we continue to redefine what’s possible for inclusion with seniors and people with disabilities, COVID-19 has prompted many new ways of delivering care at the place and moment of need. While our well-established model of care helped us react to the… read more

Together, we can weather the storm

Labor Strategies

As we face an unprecedented national health crisis we have no doubt that service providers (like us) are necessarily shining a huge spotlight on their systems, policies, and infrastructure. We are asking challenging questions like: Just how equipped are we to weather this storm? Are we as nimble as we hoped? As stable? Where do we face the greatest threats… read more

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