Bonus Video Blog Episode Coming Soon!

Bonus Video Blog Episode Coming Soon!

Greetings to the provider nation and happy new year! Our GoodLife U Video Blog Series bonus episode was scheduled to publish this month, but due to safety concerns, we’ve opted to delay Mike’s interview with our premium pay expert for now. 

We recommend you use this month to catch up on the series and/or specifically revisit Episode 5 – Premium Pay. We know there are a lot of questions about premium pay and we can’t wait to bring you in on the conversation between Mike and our legal consultant, but you’ll have to hang on until February. 

Until then, interested in exploring how our proven schedule and pay strategies can help your organization? Enrollment for GoodLife U’s Class of 2022 is now open and we invite you to join us. Reach out to us to learn more and if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our monthly e-news so that our latest and greatest comes right to your inbox.

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