GoodLife’s dedicated staff are the backbone of our organization so we love highlighting their stories and sharing their passions. This month we were excited to connect with Kaden, a valuable member of our Douglas County team and one of three Tommy Johnson Distinguished Service Award Winners this year at GoodLife.
How long have you been with GoodLife?
I have worked for GoodLife for about 2 ½ years. I started in the midst of the pandemic in 2020.
What drew you to your career here at GoodLife and what did you do before?
This was my first job in this field. Prior, I was a server and worked various sales associate positions with a little bit of management experience.
Tell us a bit about your position now. What are you working on?
Currently, I am the Home Coach for Elmwood and PFT (Professional Family Teaching) consultant for a few individuals. Currently, I like to focus a lot on how we can improve our resident’s quality of life by ensuring I have a strong team to work around. When I have some free time, I like to work on some extra projects revolving around increasing the quality of the training we provide to our newer staff.
What do you enjoy most about your work with GoodLife?
Nothing beats the bond I have made with the Elmwood guys over the last few years. I always look forward to working with them, because it reminds me of why I strive to go above and beyond.
Has your position here at GoodLife taught you anything? If so, what have you learned?
Being a Home Coach has taught me tons! Just when you think you know everything, there is more to learn! It has given me great insight on more of the inner workings behind this field of work and what it takes to successfully run a residential program. The main thing it has taught me is that there is always room for improvement!
Do you find your job personally meaningful? If so, what does your work mean to you?
I would say I find my job very meaningful. The more time working here, the more I get to see my impact on the guys’ day-to-day lives. When I have a stressful day, this is often what I look at to give me that little pick-me-up to get back on track. This job means the world to me because of the amazing relationships I have built with everyone.
How would you describe your career here at GoodLife?
I would describe my career at GoodLife as fast paced. Starting as a DSP (Direct Support Professional) a little over 2 years ago and now being Home Coach has brought tons of new learning experiences. With this being my first job in this field, it has been extremely eye opening, and has helped me develop a passion for this kind of work that I hope to stick with for years to come.
What is one thing you didn’t expect about working here at GoodLife?
I really didn’t know what to expect when I started at GoodLife. I thought it was going to be your typical job like I was used to in the past, but boy was I wrong. This job brought a level of meaning to coming into work every day which I had never experienced before. That to me was the most unexpected thing.
What is something that people might not know about you?
I like to imagine I am a pretty open book, but I assume most don’t know much about my family. I was born and raised in Wichita, KS and Valley Center, KS. I have 2 little sisters who just started High School and an older brother.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time, I like to have an outlet to give myself a little rest. I like to channel this into some crafty hobbies. I like to be creative and let my artistic side out every once in a while. Oh, and shopping, lots of shopping.
What are you looking forward to in the coming months?
One thing I have learned is you never know what to expect. This always keeps me looking forward to seeing what new and exciting things are coming my way!
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