“Santa Has A Name”

“Santa Has A Name”

“Excuse me, I think you dropped something,” said Ted Horn pretending to pick up a twenty-dollar bill from the floor and handing it to his customer. The young man appeared startled and confused. Desperate, cold and starving he had walked into the Dixie Diner in Tupelo, Mississippi knowing perfectly well he didn’t have a single penny in his pocket. “What…sorry…I… read more

It’s Back! Midnight Farm Family Fun Day

It’s Back! Midnight Farm Family Fun Day

So far 2024 has been eventful in many ways but we are about to make it even more memorable. On Saturday, September 7th GoodLife will bring back a beloved tradition – the Annual Family Fun Day at Midnight Farm! Originally, the event was conceived as an opportunity to bring families and community members together at the farm in celebration of… read more

“A Durable Dance Partner”

Tribute - Dr. James Sherman

Dear friends, This July, we bid farewell to one of the most important members of our GoodLife family – Dr. James Sherman.  It is impossible to adequately describe the impact and influence of his contributions not only to our organization but to the entire field of Applied Behavioral Science.  In 1977, while working at the University of Kansas Dr. Sherman… read more

The Lucky Apartment

The Lucky Apartment

“Hey Ivo, are you coming? The game is about to start. We need you at the “lucky” apartment.” Austin’s default expression is a friendly smile but, in this case, even over the phone I can easily sense a very different emotion. He sounds worried and there is a reason for that.  He has been my good friend and neighbor for… read more

Disability Doesn’t Define You: Cheyenne’s Incredible Story of Kindness and Strength

woman hugs a cat and smiles

Defined By Kindness Despite being born with cerebral palsy, Cheyenne tirelessly navigates Midnight Farm with grace and dexterity, readily offering high-fives and introducing each animal by name. She proudly presents Bandit the donkey; Kallie the adorable pony; Pixie the mischievous goat; Batman the protective rooster; and Petunia the lazy, yet amiable pig. The animals on the farm flock toward Cheyenne,… read more

Partnership with the University of Kansas: Enriching lives together

Partnership with the University of Kansas: Enriching lives together

For four decades, GoodLife has joined forces with KU in a shared mission to improve care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). This partnership with the University of Kansas, rooted in a dedication to bettering lives, has been instrumental in shaping our approach to care. A Legacy of Expertise Founded by passionate advocates, James Sherman and Jan Sheldon,… read more

3 Reasons Why Innovation Matters In The Care Industry

3 Reasons Why Innovation Matters In The Care Industry

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that providers need to adapt to change if they want to succeed.  What individuals with disabilities need and expect from their care has evolved more in three years than it has in the four-plus decades since we founded GoodLife. Employee preferences are also changing, with employees seeking greater value and… read more

The 3-Day Workweek: An Innovative Approach to Staffing

The 3-Day Workweek: An Innovative Approach to Staffing

The 3-Day Workweek: An Innovative Approach to Staffing Do you want to work fewer days each week, earn full-time income, and have a career that makes a difference? That’s exactly what GoodLife offers Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) with its innovative 3-day workweek. In this blog, we’ll highlight the details of the 3-day workweek and the benefits for our Direct Support… read more

Staff Profile: Royce Smith

Staff Profile: Royce Smith

Tack Så Mycket, Mr. Smith! It was a perfect kick. The ball arched high through the crisp Swedish air sailing over “Umeå’s“  entire defense. The pass was so good it was about to catch its intended target in perfect stride. The player was fast and skilled. Three more steps and he would have a breakaway opportunity to win the game.… read more

Looking Ahead to 2023

Looking Ahead to 2023

Happy New Year to our readers and supporters. We have some exciting initiatives in store this year and we can’t wait to see how the seasons unfold. Our teams are proud to have generated some momentum across 2022 and the future is bright! We invite you to keep an eye on a few areas specifically that have been targeted to… read more

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