So far on our Quest for the GoodLife, we’ve explored our unique neighborhood service models that are leveraged with iLink technologies. You’re familiar with how iLink and staff supports have been infused into homes, neighborhoods, and across the agency to improve the quality of care at GoodLife. Today Dr. Mike Strouse discusses iLink’s Enterprise solution: we have been preparing our technology solutions and infrastructure to offer ongoing support for other service providers and we are excited to share how iLink has been designed to handle data security and change management so you don’t have to.
We understand the pain points of providing I/DD and senior services because it’s what we do, too. In 2020 due to COVID, we’ve seen an important shift take place in how we collectively think about infrastructure. While GoodLife has been preparing for this shift since the year 2000, the unprecedented circumstances we face due to the pandemic has amplified our efforts. Infrastructure used to consist of a brick and mortar building–those who need services came to the places where services are provided and received face-to-face care in a service-centric environment.
Now we are coming to realize that services need to be provided and received safely, at a distance, and in a person-centric manner. To accomplish this we inevitably rely on technology to bridge the gap, keep people safer, and deliver on-demand care. But that means also rethinking our infrastructure and shifting it from the corner clinic to the cloud.
GoodLife is here to help other agencies tackle this transition and one of the iLink Enterprise’s best features is its data security. Our iLink Assist software is housed in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and iLink’s video hosting is held in a high-security, state-of-the-art data center. Why is this important? Because data protection can be a major barrier for service providers who are already strapped for resources. Our video and software hosting are supported by cloud-based solutions that are on the cutting edge of security and protections. When it comes to protecting client data, we cannot afford mistakes, but must also recognize that true expertise is needed. iLink safely moves the burden off the desks–literally–of service providers. Servers are no longer in the office; iLink provides secure infrastructure safely in the cloud.
We also recognize that reimagining traditional service approaches to fully leverage technology means methodical changes must occur across the agency. That’s why GoodLife walks side-by-side with agencies that want to utilize iLink so that they can be supported in implementation, training, and change management (to revise policies and procedures, service agreements, signage, and more). We do this without cultivating dependence–we want to equip you with the tools and resources you need to make the most of the iLink infrastructure, but we realize no one can care for your clients better than you.
Partnerships drive our work–interested in learning more? Please visit our website or contact Megan Todd to set up a personalized meet and greet with our team.