It’s hard to believe that we are already in another December. Sure, 2020 was a whirlwind, but that vortex kept carrying us along and now here we are, reflecting on what we accomplished across the last year.
In a lot of ways, this was a year of new beginnings for GoodLife. When called upon to adapt, evolve, and improve, our team stepped up. Change is hard, but our values require us to move from a space of crisis (brought upon by the pandemic and subsequent workforce shortage) into a space of stability for the individuals at the heart of our mission. Here’s how we brought our best in 2021.
- We kicked off the year by facilitating Vaccine Clinics for more than 630 persons served, staff, and families. Including the boosters in October, our incredible nursing staff administered more than 1400 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine this year, proudly protecting the most vulnerable among our GoodLife family and in the community.
- In February we launched our GoodLife U Video Blog series and published a new episode each month. With dozens–and sometimes more than 100–views, we could tell that the series was striking a chord with providers amidst the workforce crisis. GoodLife U enrollment for the class of 2021 filled up, but don’t worry! We’ve got space for the Class of 2022 and would love to work with you to build on the profound impact we can make.
- We merged our mission with a staple for supporting seniors in Douglas County and proudly joined forces with Community Village Lawrence (CVL). As a result, our engagement with aging adults has grown and we are so excited to build on this even more in 2022.
- This summer our leadership team ushered GoodLife’s expansion of our Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) agency-wide. We are proud of our heritage and continue to serve some of the most medically fragile individuals in Kansas, so this was a big undertaking, but the changes resulted in more positive outcomes for the families at the center of our mission, improved flexibility for both day and residential services, and greater stability for GoodLife as a whole.
- Thanks to our incredible Research & Development team, in-home footprint of iLink was reduced by more than 40% this year, making it easier than ever to share with others. We spent this year making critical business decisions to prepare iLink to hit the market. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement on this to come in early 2022!
The pandemic continues to require us to reimagine what’s possible, but that’s ok. At the core of GoodLife’s mission, vision and values is a relentless willingness to change direction when a new course will yield better results and we are incredibly proud of our agility, tenacity, and innovation in 2021. Cheers to all of the dedicated caregivers that continue to make our mission possible and bring on 2022–we are ready!
As always, feel free to reach out to us to learn more about any of our achievements referenced here and if you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our monthly e-news so that our latest and greatest comes right to your inbox. Want to join our team? GoodLife is hiring and we’d love to connect.